Military are your all around strategic faction. With their tactical advantage they are not afraid of going on the offense. The Military benefits greatly from controlling territories and regions on the map. Strive to take over command centers for added bonuses. Will they be able to control the world?
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Is a strategy board game of conflict and conquest. Can play with a group of two to four players. The board depicts of a new world which has abundant resources, divided by 42 territories. Each turn add troops, and battle your opponents for control of the map. Each player will have a unique play style in aiding them on their goal of World Conquest
Path To Conquest
4 different factions are fighting for control of a new world. Who will win?
Military Play Style
Military are your all around strategic faction. With their tactical advantage they are not afraid of going on the offense. The Military benefits greatly from controlling territories and regions on the map. Strive to take over command centers for added bonuses. Will they be able to control the world?
Military are your all around strategic faction. With their tactical advantage they are not afraid of going on the offense. The Military benefits greatly from controlling territories and regions on the map. Strive to take over command centers for added bonuses. Will they be able to control the world?
Alien Play Style
Aliens are strategic attackers that must plan out their moves carefully. Rolling doubles or triples can explode territories or even entire regions on the board, however if played recklessly, aliens can even eliminate themselves from the game. They may not seem dangerous at first, but keep a close eye on those Aliens, it would be wise not to underestimate them! Will Aliens get lucky and blow up the world?
Aliens are strategic attackers that must plan out their moves carefully. Rolling doubles or triples can explode territories or even entire regions on the board, however if played recklessly, aliens can even eliminate themselves from the game. They may not seem dangerous at first, but keep a close eye on those Aliens, it would be wise not to underestimate them! Will Aliens get lucky and blow up the world?
Zombie Play Style
Zombies are an all-around aggressive faction. With an unplanned Zombie breakout, they are the first into battle and will replace units while in combat. Zombies benefit greatly from controlling cities and command centers which helps them expand across the board very quickly. Their greatest strength of aggression could potentially be their greatest weakness. Will Zombies swarm the world?
Zombies are an all-around aggressive faction. With an unplanned Zombie breakout, they are the first into battle and will replace units while in combat. Zombies benefit greatly from controlling cities and command centers which helps them expand across the board very quickly. Their greatest strength of aggression could potentially be their greatest weakness. Will Zombies swarm the world?
Civilian Play Style
Civilians are your high investor faction. They are extremely vulnerable early game, as every faction benefit from attacking them. However they can build walls to protect themselves until they are ready to convert into Cyborgs. Will Civilians become resources for the rest of the world?
Cyborg Play Style
Cyborgs are a subfaction of the Civilians. They are the strongest faction in combat. Similarly to civilians, they benefit greatly in numbers and are an intimidating once they are created. Will there be a Cyborg takeover?
Cyborgs are a subfaction of the Civilians. They are the strongest faction in combat. Similarly to civilians, they benefit greatly in numbers and are an intimidating once they are created. Will there be a Cyborg takeover?